Saturday, August 8, 2020
Modestman Brewing Company
Feeling cooped up with Covid? We've got just the cure for your boredom!
Keene YPN, in collaboration with the Monadnock United Way, Greater Keene Rotaract Club, and Historical Society of Cheshire County, present the triumphant return of Keene's greatest historical riddle-based scavenger hunt of all time.
Teams of 1-6 people compete to solve riddles and locate landmarks (modern or historical) around a ½ mile radius from Main Street Keene. Teams must either photograph themselves with the landmarks, find information about the landmark, or if the landmark is a business, acquire a collectible from the landmark. Scoring is based on how many clues were correctly answered, the total time to return to the starting location, and other penalties and bonuses.
We will be carefully curating this event to make it Covid-safe, including keeping teams socially distanced at the beginning and end, keeping team size limited to 6, and ensuring mask-wearing when inside businesses.
All net proceeds will help support the efforts of Monadnock United Way in their fight for children, education, and financial stability for the residents of our region.

Enjoy some photos from our last two Elm City Challenges - in 2014 and 2015!
Questions about the event? Email/message us and we'll get right back to you!